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What is Enamel ?

what is enamel

Enamel is a hard substance on the outside of your tooth which acts as a protective layer from outer substances.
Enamel is made up of calcium phosphate. It is harder than bones even though it is regarded as the toughest material in the human body. However, it can deteriorate if it is exposed to acid and a bacterial overgrowth in the mouth.

What does Enamel do ?

The purpose of enamel is to protect teeth from damage and deterioration. 

Whenever you eat you expose your teeth to acids and germs from your food that you eat and drink. And it works as a protection from these germs and acids.
Without enamel, this would severely injure teeth. 

Your enamel not only serves as a defense against acid and bacteria, but it also protects your teeth from hot and cold foods. Food sensitivity to both hot and cold temperatures can happen when enamel is harmed or begins to deteriorate.

Visit your dentist to learn how to repair your enamel if you experience pain when eating or sensitivity to heat or cold.

What causes Enamel loss ?

Enamel loss is caused by having too many soft drinks, which are high in phosphoric and citric acids. Sugar is a food source for oral bacteria, and they produce acids that can lose enamel. If you don't routinely brush your teeth, it gets worse.

How to prevent enamel Loss ?

There are various ways to prevent your tooth enamel. You need to take so many precautions. Also precaution is better than cure. So, there are few through which you can prevent your enamel from damage.

1. Brush your teeth.

It's important to brush your teeth to get rid of bacteria. Cavities, also known as dental caries, are mostly brought on by an overgrowth of the bacterium Streptococcus mutans in your mouth

According to a reliable source, these bacteria are spread by food and drink. Regular tooth brushing can get rid of the germs that can cause cavities and mineral loss.

2. Select a tooth-friendly diet

To prevent your enamel you should choose a tooth-friendly diet. You should select that kind of diet which can help you to strengthen your enamel and oral health.  The foods you choose should be nutrient-dense, encourage salivation, encourage remineralization.

3. Maintain oral hygiene

You should maintain proper hygiene to protect your enamel from germs. Brush two times in a day and don't go to bed before brushing y9our teeth. So there are some things which a person should follow to maintain oral hygiene.

4. Reduce stress

Headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort, weakened immunity, and, yes! loss of enamel. In fact, stress might be a factor in dental health decline. “Another source of trauma to the enamel can occur from grinding,” according to Dr. Ogbevoen. "Around 8% of adults grind their teeth, and stress plays a significant role in nocturnal grinding. Ask your dentist if a night guard may be acceptable if you believe that you may be clenching your teeth as a result of stress.

Conclusion: If due to decaying of teeth enamel you may need dental crowns. Crowns, on the other hand, resemble tooth caps. They completely cover a tooth that has suffered structural impairment due to decay, breakage or fracture.
Crowns are fabricated from materials like porcelain, metal-fused porcelain and composite resin. They're made to look and feel like natural teeth, and they cost more than fillings but can last between 5 and 15 years with proper care. The best material for dental crown is zirconia crown and the german made brand of Dental Direkt is the #1 manufacturer of zirconia crown in Europe which is best for the teeth capping and crowning.
