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Bad breath causes treatment and prevention

Halitosis, generally known as bad breath, can be unpleasant and, in extreme situations, even make people anxious. It's understandable why store shelves are brimming with gum, mints, mouthwash, and other breath-freshening items. But because they don't deal with the root of the issue, many of these products are merely band-aid fixes.

Among the factors contributing to foul breath are particular foods, medical conditions, and behaviors. With continuous, good oral hygiene, you can often reduce foul breath. If straightforward self-care methods are ineffective, consult a dentist or doctor to make sure a more serious condition isn't to blame for your mouth smell.

Best Zirconia Crown In India

Causes of bad smell in the mouth:

There are various causes of bad breath like food, smoking, bad dental hygiene, dry mouth, infections in your mouth, and many more. 

Food Bacteria growth and bad odors can result from the breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth. Additionally, eating foods like onions, garlic, and spices might contribute to bad breath. Following digestion, these meals enter your bloodstream, travel to your lungs, and have an impact on your breathing.

Bad dental hygiene: Bad breath is brought on by food particles that stay in your mouth if you don't brush and floss every day. Your teeth develop a sticky, white film of bacteria called plaque. Additionally, odor-producing bacteria might be caught on your tongue. Dentures that aren't cleaned frequently or don't fit well might collect food particles and odor-causing bacteria.

Dry mouth: Saliva aids in mouth cleaning by eliminating debris that contributes to bad breath. Because less saliva is produced when a person has a dry mouth, also known as xerostomia (zeer-o-STOE-me-uh), this disease can also cause bad breath. An issue with your salivary glands and other disorders can lead to chronic dry mouth.

Smoking: Smoking is also a mouth odor reason. Gum disease is another cause of poor breath and is more common in smokers and users of oral tobacco.

Prevention or How to stop bad breath from the mouth:

Brush your teeth: Brush your teeth at least two times in a day. Don’t overdo things but do that number of times which is necessary to maintain your dental hygiene

Mouth wash: Washing your mouth will reduce bacteria from your tongue. Generally, bacteria on your tongue results in bad odor but if you wash your mouth from time to time then definitely it can help in reducing bad breath.

Regularly change your toothbrush with a new one: Change your existing toothbrush with a new one when it becomes frayed. Every three to four months you should change your brush.

Avoid dry mouth: As I mentioned above, dry mouth is a cause of bad smell in our mouth. So if your mouth will not be dry then definitely it’ll help you in treating your bad mouth.

Bad breath treatment 

Toothpaste and mouthwashes:  Your dentist can suggest a mouthwash that kills bacteria if the cause of your foul breath is plaque buildup on your teeth. In order to eliminate the bacteria that lead to plaque accumulation, your dentist may also suggest using toothpaste with an antibacterial ingredient.

Dental disease therapy: You can be recommended to a gum specialist if you have gum disease (periodontist). Gum recession brought on by gum disease can leave behind deep pockets that breed odor-producing bacteria. These bacteria can occasionally only be removed by professional cleaning. Additionally, your dentist might advise getting rid of poor dental fillings that serve as a haven for bacteria.

Best Zirconia Crown In India

Bad breath can cause tooth decay due to which there can be chances of tooth extraction which can be cured with the help of crowns. Zirconia crowns are the best crowns for our teeth. 

So you can visit your dentist and ask him to treat your teeth by transplanting crowns. Most dentists prefer Dental Direkt company’s crowns as it is the best company in India for crowns.