What is the Best Zirconia Brand?


cosmetics reasons to have dental crowns

Are you looking for an alternative to teeth fillings? Dental Crowns are dental teeth that provide the best solutions to cover the imperfections of the teeth.

They are teeth-shaped caps that are placed on the top of the teeth to restore the shape, size, and appearance of the teeth. Dental caps are needed to:

  • Hold a weak tooth from breaking

  • Protect a worn-out tooth

  • Place the dental bridge

  • Hide discolored tooth

  • Cover a dental implant

  • Enhancing facial cosmetics

The crowns help in various situations where the tooth is lost due to a variety of reasons. If a person is suffering from tooth decay, injury, or a damaged tooth, he can opt for dental crowns. The patients can choose Crowns made from different materials like:

  1. Pressed Ceramic- it is manufactured using pressed ceramic material and a hard inner core.

  2. All Resin Crowns- the main material present in these crowns is resin and are cheaper than the other crowns. 

  3. Metal Crowns- they are stronger and constructed using metals like silver, gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium. 

  4. Porcelain Fused to Metal- they are more close to natural tooth color and suitable for front and back teeth. 

  5. Zirconium Crown- they also help to enhance the looks and are similar to natural teeth. They do not cause any allergic reactions and are better for front teeth.

Cosmetic Dental Treatments

All the above treatments come under cosmetic dental treatments. Cosmetic dental treatments help to improve your facial aesthetics by correcting misshaped, chipped, cracked, discolored, and missing teeth. Some people suffer from teeth discoloration, teeth overcrowding, teeth gaps, and misshaped teeth. 

For all these dental issues you need the best dentist who is qualified in cosmetic dentistry. To get rid of all these problems and ensure better dental health, consult a dental specialist in your area. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is the method in the field of dentistry to enhance a person’s smile with the help of dental procedures. It includes dental veneers and teeth whitening. It also includes Dental Treatments such as Dental crowns, Bridges, Bonding, and Dental Implants that act as restorative options.


The smile makeover techniques that help you to get beautiful smiles and provide the best dental solutions are listed below:

  • TEETH WHITENING is the most common procedure and brings a shiny bright smile to your face. It is a process of dental cleaning and improving dental health.

  • PORCELAIN VENEERS are customized coverings that can resist staining. It is followed after a teeth whitening procedure has been carried out.

  • DENTAL BONDING helps to hide chipped teeth that don’t need additional care. It changes the look by filling the teeth gaps with an adhesive.

  • DENTAL BRACES AND CLEAR ALIGNERS are orthodontic procedures that improve appearance by correcting misaligned teeth.

  • GUM CONTOURING is the method to change the shape of your gums. It helps to prevent the teeth that have been exposed due to receding gum tissues.

  • DENTAL IMPLANTS are natural-looking dental restorations that help to perform basic tooth functions easily. Dental Crowns have improved over time and revolutionized the dental world. The dental implant cost differs for the location of the patient.

A smile makeover is a stunning dentistry technique that is a special treatment that gives you a gorgeous smile and improves the functioning capabilities of your mouth. The dental doctor can provide the best cosmetic dentistry solutions according to your needs.
