What is the Best Zirconia Brand?



6 reasons for tooth loss

The teeth play the most important functions of the body. They help the body to get proper nourishment and growth. When you imagine losing a tooth, you might think that it was a nightmare or don’t want it to happen ever. 

But sometimes things are not in our control like aging, injuries, and accidents. You lose teeth once in your life when you are an infant, but at later ages or tooth loss in adults can be a matter of concern. 

We can avoid tooth loss only if we maintain proper oral hygiene. The more we are aware of the process and methods to save them, the more we can avoid or delay unwanted loss. The article is a way to look at the major reasons for tooth loss, its effects, and possible remedies.

Reasons For Tooth Loss

We may suffer tooth loss due to:

  • Poor oral hygiene

  • Diseases of the gums

  • Growing age

  • Trauma and mishappenings

  • Personal choice

  • Health conditions

Filling the missing teeth becomes necessary to avoid further undesirable changes. When there is tooth loss or a tooth gets removed from the jaw bone, it shrinks over time and results in results in bone loss in teeth

This condition may create concavity that can cause food particles to get under the adjacent teeth. Loss of multiple teeth leads to the drifting of the adjacent teeth. 

This bone and tooth decay can create discrepancies in the height and shape of the gum tissue. The food gets accumulated in spaces that are difficult to clean and give way to the build-up of Cavities. It also hampers your speech and smile.

In earlier times, the process of replacing the missing tooth was cumbersome. But with the advent of technology, the process has become easier and more comfortable. 

Many tooth replacement options are available in the dental market. Dental implants are the most common cure for missing teeth. These dental restorations help to replace missing teeth and improve the teeth' appearance. Different materials are used in the manufacturing oDental crowns

Metals, ceramics, Porcelain, and Zirconia are some of the substances that are used to fabricate teeth crowns. These crowns act like a tooth cap that covers the visible part of the tooth.

Zirconia Crowns

Nowadays, the crowns that are being used more frequently are Zirconia Crowns. The main ingredient of these crowns is Zirconium dioxide which is a biocompatible material. These are metal-free crowns and do not cause any allergic reactions in the human body. 

The material used in designing is strong and durable. With proper care and maintenance, Zirconia teeth can elongate your smile for more than a decade. They may appear to be expensive but provide the customer with astonishing results.

Many manufacturers are making crowns from Zirconium. The most trusted and reliable are the ones made by Dental Direkt. It is a German company that was founded in 1998. They use advanced techniques to manufacture these crowns in state-of-the-art labs. 

They have been dealing in India through their franchise Dental Direkt India. With the growing number of happy and satisfied customers, they have made a place in the dental market. Dental Direkt Zirconia crownare available at minimum cost with a lifetime warranty. For further information, you can mail them or contact them personally. The team of experts will guide you properly and help you take the right decision.
