What is the Best Zirconia Brand?


same day dental crown

When you have a missing tooth, it creates a sense of emptiness in your personality. The reason can be anything like injury, accident, decaying teeth, and so on. You don’t want to remain in this state for a long time. 

In this case, you require facial improvement as soon as possible. In this case, the doctors would suggest you a tooth cap or other dental implants. These tooth caps are made of metal, ceramic, porcelain, or zirconia. 

The people would get gold tooth caps in earlier days. The gold tooth cap looked artificial, so over time, they switched to porcelain teeth Zirconia teeth, or PFM Crowns.

But the implementation of these dental crowns took a longer number of days to improve your looks and provide you the new replacement for missing teeth

For this reason, same-day dental implants were invented and have now become very popular in the dental world. With the advent of technology, it is now possible to reshape your dental structure in the least possible time. 

But to make sure that you can go for this type of implant and have the right features; this article has all the information regarding same-day dental implants.


They are the tooth implants that are fitted in your mouth within a day. The information available from our friends and information available on websites tells us that dental implants can take 3 days to 3 weeks to get ready and placed in your mouth. 

The process is completed in a step-wise manner. Firstly, the damaged tooth is removed, and then an image of the tooth is taken. This image taken with the help of CAD/CAM technology is then sent to labs, and finally, after a few days, your replacement tooth gets ready. 

The whole procedure takes around 6 weeks including the meeting with the dentist. But with same-day dental implants, the procedure is completed in one day. It does not include consultation time and follow-up with the dentist.


In this method, the dentist puts titanium implants into your jawbone with the help of metal connectors. These are placed securely to avoid any movement during the healing process.

Titanium implants do not corrode and last for a lifetime. If your jawbone has met with an accident then the titanium foam is used to create a new bone.


Dental implants are of the following two types:

  • Single-tooth Dental Implants- are for those who have only one tooth missing. The dentist looks at the condition of your jawbone, takes 3D images of the mouth, and will suggest the required implant.

  • Full Mouth Dental Implants- these are for those who don’t have teeth and are wearing permanent dentures. This type of same-day dental implant procedure is called the all-on-4 procedure.
    After an initial examination of the jawbone, the dentist will decide if you are eligible for all-on-4 dental implants or all-on-6 implants. It means that you will need either 4 or 6 implants to hold the bridge for your jaw.

You need to spend a good amount of money to cover dental implant costs. You must consult the doctor before going for the procedure. 

The full dental implant cost is more than a single dental implant cost.

The tooth implant cost varies with location and dentist's fees. The average cost of dental implants lies between INR 25,000 to INR 1, 00,000. This is an irreversible process, so you must carefully decide after consulting a few doctors or a patient who has undergone the same surgery.
